Free Vintage Art Sources - on lakeshore drive (2024)

I recently found out that there is a huge library of free art on the public domain, for anyone to use! Even popular places like Target, Studio Mcgee and Etsy use it to source some of their art. Somehow I feel cheated but at the same time I am so excited! There is a good chance I will never buy art again.

Free Vintage Art Sources - on lakeshore drive (1)

(This post contains affiliate links to amazon and LTK that I make a small commisison from with no extra costs added to you.)


The public domain refers to any work or art that has no copyright laws attached to them meaning they can be used by anyone completely for free! There are many recourses online to scavenge but here are a couple I use just to name few! You can also search “Public Domain Images or Art” in Google to find more!

Once you found the piece you like it is time to download the image. Make sure you are doing this in the highest resolution possible to get the best quality! You now have your art downloaded, now what? You have a couple of options, all being very affordable!

How to print your vintage art

Option #1

Print your art at home! If you have a pinter at home then this is the easiest option! I would use canvas or watercolour paper for paintings to make the printed art seem like real paintings. Basically paper that has texture to it!

Option #2

Get your art printed at your local print shops like Staples, Walgreens, Walmart or other print shops you have locally.

Option #3

Print your art online! There are many online print shops where you can easily upload your image and order in different sizes, finishes and on different kinds of paper. Places like Shutterfly, Mpix, Vista Print, Optimal Print, just to name a few. The rule of thumb is to print the image on the type of paper the original image would have been on.

Framing the art

All that is left to do is to frame your beautiful art! I like to thrift my frames and refinish them with paint, Rub’n buff or just leave them as is.

If you don’t want to thrift them other places that sell affordable frames are:

  • Ikea
  • Walmart
  • Marshalls
  • Winners
  • Home Goods
  • Target

These frames are also a beautiful option!

It can be quite time consuming to search for the perfect art piece and so I made a collection for you guys with my favourite images that I found!


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(I wrote another blog post with more information on this topic and attached 30+ free art printable for spring! You can find it here.)

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Free Vintage Art Sources - on lakeshore drive (2)

I hope this post was helpful to you and that you enjoy all the art the public domain has to offer!


Free Vintage Art Sources - on lakeshore drive (3)

Free Vintage Art Sources - on lakeshore drive (4)

We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.

(This post contains affiliate links to amazon and LTK that I make a small commisison from with no extra costs added to you.)

Free Vintage Art Sources - on lakeshore drive (2024)


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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.