How Sherri Papini's Kidnapping Hoax Unraveled and What Happened Next - E! Online (2024)


Sherri Papini's Ex-Husband Keith Breaks Silence 7 Years After Kidnapping Hoax

"Everybody who knows my wife knows that there's no reason for her to leave...She was definitely taken against her will."

So Keith Papinitold Good Morning America on Nov. 6, 2016, four days after his wifeSherri Papiniwent out for an afternoon jog and didn't come home.He first realized something was seriously wrong when she failed to pick up their kids, then-4-year-old son Tyler and 2-year-old daughter Violet, from daycare.

"She could drop her phone," Keith said, "but she would never, in a million years, not pick up our children on the time that she normally would've."

The missing-person casein theNorthern California city of Redding quickly became a national story, themystery of what happened to the 34-year-old"supermom," asher sister-in-law Suzanne Papini described her,proving hot grist for thetrue crimeheadline mill.

The fact thatSherri faked her own abduction, a still baffling decision that ultimately blew up her marriage, is explored in the new Hulu docuseriesPerfect Wife: The Mysterious Disappearance of Sherri Papini.

"I would say that this process of looking back, it forced me to confront a lot of the things I'd never dealt with," Keith reflected in the series, his first time speaking in depth about what transpired during the days his now-ex-wife was gone and what happened after she came back. "And that helped me start connecting dots."

Sherri's attorney declined to comment when reached by E! News.

photosTrue Crime: Kidnapping Survivors

Butin those early days, there was a massive search underway for Sherri and a $50,000 reward was offered for any information leading toher whereabouts.

Keith said at the time that he had received a text message from his wife at 10:37 a.m. on Nov. 2, a Wednesday, asking if he was coming home for lunch (though, she later told police, she didn't actually mean lunch, per se). Not having his personal phoneat work with him, he didn'ttext back until 1:39 p.m.

Hulu (Courtesy of Disney)

"What if I'd come home that day for lunch?" Keith ponderedin The Perfect Wife. "I mean, are we here right now?"

Returning to an empty houseand soon finding out the kids hadn't been picked up—"On normal days, I would open the door and my family comes, runs and give me a hug," Keith told KRCR-TV—he useda phone-finder app to trace Sherri's cell.

He found her mobile near the intersection of Old Oregon TrailandSunrise Drive, about a mile away from their residence,along with her earbuds, which had a few strands of blonde hair tangled amid the wires.

Leigh Green /

What happened during the search forSherri Papini?

Search teams scoured nearby woods and trails,authorities looked at security footage from local businessesand family and friendscame into town from all over to support Keith, Tyler and Violet and help any way they could.

"She has a family that loves her," Sherri's sister, Sheila Koester, told ABC News. "Please just bring her home."

Naturally, the Internet insisted it knewwhat really happened—the No. 1suspicion was that Keith totally had something to do with it, followed closely by Sherri up and abandoned her family—as the usual spots where true crime conspiracies are hatched, such as Reddit, lit up with theories. Within days, authorities received more than 200 tips.

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"Unfortunately, there are random, ignorant people on the internet that are casting aspersions on both Sherri and Keith," self-identified family memberRod Rodriguez IIIwrote Nov. 8 on the Facebook page Redding Crime 2.0, denying rumors that Keith had "'lawyered up'" and noting that Sherri's husband had cooperated fully with the investigation.

"In regard to the hurtful rumors regarding Keith, everyone that actually knows him knows of his and Sherri's wonderful loving relationship and devotion to their family and knows he had nothing to do with Sherri's disappearance," Rodriguez continued, per the LA Times. "That is why everyone of them was out searching last weekend, one notable family rented search helicopters and another couple cut their vacation short and flew home across the Atlantic while another flew down from Idaho."


Investigatorswerelooking into the possibility that Keith had something to do with Sherri's disappearance,a romantic partner routinely being No. 1 on the list of people to look at,but hepassed a lie-detector test and his alibi checked out to their satisfaction.

"The results of the polygraph examination indicate he has no involvement with the disappearance of his wife," Shasta County Sheriff's Office spokesman Lt. Anthony Bertainsaid in a Nov. 11, 2016, statement. "Sheriff's Office detectives have confirmed his whereabouts on the day in question, and there is no physical evidence at this time suggesting he had any involvement."

Bertain added, "Detectives are still trying to determine if her disappearance is voluntary or involuntary."

Andrew Seng/The Sacramento Bee via AP

As the days went by, the Facebook pageHelp Find Sherri Papini became the go-to spot for updates, while a "Bring Sherri Home Safe" GoFundMe, set up toaid search-and-rescue efforts,attracted more than $49,000 in donations.

"Thank you all so much for your donations," Keith wrote on the fundraising pageNov. 7. "Your generosity, concern and prayers are very much appreciated by the Papini family."

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When was Sherri Papini found?

At around 4:30 a.m. on the morning of Nov. 24, 2016, 22 days after she went missing, a number of motorists called 911—including a truck driver who stopped andwaited for California Highway Patrol to arrive—to report a woman standing or running down the middle of Interstate 5 in Yolo County. It turned out to be Sherri, found 146 miles away from her home.

Her hair was haphazardly cut, she was covered in bruises and other marks, and she had a chain around her waist that was tethered to one of her wrists.

Sherriwas taken toWoodlandHospital in Yolo County, where she was reunited with Keith. "We are overwhelmed with joy of how supportive everyone has been to help bring us together as a family again,"they saidin a statementprovided to the media by Sherri's sister Sheila,per CNN. "Everyone's tireless efforts has made our family whole again this Thanksgiving. Thank you for allowing our family time to heal."

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Talking to reporters later that day, Shasta County Sheriff Tom Bosenko said, "We are ecstatic to report that Sherri Papini has been located and has been reunited with her family on this day of Thanksgiving."

But, "the investigation is far from over," he continued. "In fact, it has only begun a new chapter."

There was"sensitive information" the sheriff wouldn't disclose yet,but he shared that Sherri "was released by her captor on a rural road near I-5...She was bound with restraints but was able to summon help from a passing motorist."

Going by Sherri's description of her abductors, authorities were searching for two Hispanic women driving a dark SUV who were said to be armed, he noted, adding,"Detectives will not rest until her captor or captors are identified and brought to justice."

The publicstill clamoring for answers a few days later,Bosenkosaid Nov. 27, "We currently have no reason to disbelieve Sherri Papini's story. She was assaulted and had injuries which she was treated for."

At least 20 warrants had been issued for cell tower dataand surveillance footagefrom locations in Redding and Yolo County, he shared,and the search was still on for the two armed women.

But patience is a virtue the Internet does not possess.


In a Nov. 29, 2016, statement toGood Morning America, Keith thanked the "incredible humans" around the world who'd shown their support for his family over the course of their "torturous journey," and shouted out a number of individuals and organizations by name.

Calling the attention paid to their case a "double-edged sword," he continued: "Rumors, assumptions, lies and hate have been both exhausting and disgusting. We are not going to allow those people to take away our spirit, love or rejoice in our girl found alive and home where she belongs. I understand people want the story, pictures, proof that this was not some sort of hoax, plan to gain money or some fabricated race war. I do not see a purpose in addressing each preposterous lie."


When he first sawSherri in her hospital bed, Keith described,her face was "covered in bruises ranging from yellow to black because of repeated beatings, the bridge of her nose broken.Her now emaciated body of 87 pounds was covered in multicolored bruises, severe burns, red rashes and chain markings. Her signature long blond hair had been chopped off. She has been branded, and I could feel the rise of her scabs under my fingers. She was thrown from a vehicle with a chain around her waist, attached to her wrists and a bag over her head. The same bag she used to flag someone down once she was able to free one of her hands."

Sherri "suffered tremendously, and all the visions swirling in your heads of her appearance, I assure you, are not as graphic and gruesome as the reality." He asked for privacy, noting they had "a long road of healing" ahead of them.

However, when Keith first drew back the curtain around his wife's hospital bed and saw her for the first time since she was found, he said in The Perfect Wife, "the way she looked at me, in that moment, I felt like she was lying."

But, he continued, oncehe "started really looking at her"and saw the extent of her injuries, "any doubt I had just disappeared."

What was Sherri Papini's kidnapping story?

Allaccording toa 55-page criminal complaint affidavit filed March 3and obtained by E! News, whatSherri told investigators, in the days after her return and over the ensuing months and years, was this:

Shewas outfor arun on Nov. 2, 2016, when two Hispanic women driving a dark SUV forced her into their car at gunpoint.She didn'tremembergetting into the car, but she woke up lying down in the back, her hips sorefrombeingin one positionfor so longand a pillow case that smelled of laundry detergent over her head.


Sherri said that for three weeks she was chained to a metal pole ina bedroom closet, with enough give to reach the bed, and they gave her a bucket of kitty litter to use as a toilet. She could hear "really annoying Mexican music" playing around her and, though her captors mainly spoke Spanish, she said she overheard snippets of conversation about branding her for a potential "buyer," leading investigators to firstsuspecther abduction could've been connected to human trafficking (as noted in a footnote in the March 3 filing).

She said she tried to escape on several occasions, and that she was branded on her shoulder after the first attempt.


Investigators interviewed Sherri multiple times, but as months went by, they continued to be unable to corroborate her story.

On June 22, 2017, she gave descriptions of the women to FBI sketch artists for "wanted" posters that were widely circulated.

Talking to theFBI onAug. 13, 2020, she recalled that "the older kidnapper was really abusive and really mean and did all of the really terrible things," but the younger, nicer woman ultimately let her go, dropping her off on the side of I-5 near Woodland, Calif.

Shetold atherapist, who diagnosed her with acute post-traumatic stress disorder, that she was "physically and emotionally tortured, beaten, burned, branded, and drugged."

Andrew Seng/The Sacramento Bee via AP

How did Sherri Papini's kidnapping story fall apart?

When the three-year anniversary of Sherri's disappearancecame around in 2019, the Shasta County Sheriff's Office said that the case remained under investigation and, according to KRCR TV, the FBI was offering a $10,000 reward for information that could identify the two womenSherri described as her abductors.

But bythe time of her August 2020 interview with the FBI,authorities had determined thatSherri's kidnapping story was a fabrication. Shehad disappeared for 22 days, but that's where her version of events and reality diverged.

And when investigators confronted her with what they'dbeen told just several days prior—that her ex-boyfriend had picked her upfrom Reddingand driven her to Costa Mesa, Calif., where she voluntarily stayed with him until she wanted to leave—she denied it.

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Meanwhile, in addition to appearing for requested meetings to look at photo arrays ofpossible suspects, Keith and Sherri contacted the FBI on multiple occasions betweenher return and May 7, 2018, to share new details.

Thelast updatecame from Keith, who told investigators that his wife hadrecalled during a therapy session that one ofher captors tried to pour a sticky substance down her throat and she used her own underwear to wipe her mouth, after which she fell asleep.

According to the March 3 filing,investigators found the DNA of an unknown female from an evidence swab of Sherri's body and the DNA of an unknown male from tests of her clothes.The profiles were uploaded to the national Combined DNA Index System, or CODIS. In September 2019, Shasta County Sheriff's detectives requested a familial DNA search from the California Department of Justice.

In March 2020, investigators got a familial hit on the unknown male DNA, identifying a potential relative of the man they were looking for. The personwho pinged in the database had two sons, one of whom was the ex-boyfriend in question, James Reyes.

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That June, investigators collected items fromReyes' trash outside his Costa Mesa homeand they found that DNA from the mouth of an Honest Honey Green Tea bottle was a match to the sample lifted from Sherri's clothes.

The man (referred tothroughout the court filings as Ex-Boyfriend, but long since publicly identified as Reyes) co-operated with the investigation and was never charged with any crime. He admitted to the FBI during an Aug. 10, 2020 interview that he helped Sherri "run away," according tothe March 3 filing.They were once engaged,he explained, and they had a "long history together as friends," but when she reached out to him, he was quoted, it was "'out of the blue.'"

Reyessaid Sherri told him Keith had physically and sexually assaulted her and police had refused to help.(While friends of Sherri told police and media outlets that Keith could be controlling and that the two sometimes had big fights, local authorities had no records of abuse claims againstKeith.)

Andrew Seng/The Sacramento Bee via AP

Reviewing phone records, authorities found that Sherri had been in contact with Reyes since as early as December 2015, both of them using prepaid cell phones.

Sherri stayed at his apartment and never left for the entirety of the three weeks she was gone,Reyes told investigators. She didn't eat much and at one pointshe had him brand her shoulderwith a wood-burning tool that she had instructed him to go out and buy from Hobby Lobby. And, he added, though he didn't have a TV, shekeptupwith the news on her phone and, knowing that people were looking for her, didn't want to be seen in public.

She cut her own hair, the ex continued, and self-inflicted most of her own bruises and burns. He never laid hands on her, he added, but when asked for help, such as to "'bank a puck'" off her leg as she requested, he complied.

Reyessaid he drove Sherri back up to Northern California after she told him she missed her kids, and on the way back she tossed her prepaid phone out the car window. He also told investigators that he didn't call authorities himself once he saw the news of the alleged kidnapping, considering thatto be turning himself in "for nothing," but he told himself that he "would not fight it" if police eventually got in touch.

Leigh Green /

When wasSherri Papini arrested?

Sherri was arrestedMarch 3, 2022, and charged with lying to federal investigators and 34 counts of mail fraud.

"When a young mother went missing in broad daylight, a community was filled with fear and concern," U.S. Attorney Phillip A. Talbert said in a statement announcing the charges. "Shasta County Sheriff's Office immediately began investigating, calling on the assistance of the FBI. Countless hours were spent following leads, all in an effort to bring this woman back to her family."

In the end, the prosecutor said, the investigation "revealed that there was no kidnapping and that time and resources that could have been used to investigate actual crime, protect the community, and provide resources to victims were wasted based on the defendant's conduct."

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The fraud charges stemmed from Sherri seeking treatmenton the state's dime, the funds provided by the California Victim Compensation Board. According toa court filing detailing the charges, her application to CalVCB stated the money was needed for "medical and/or dental expenses," "moving or relocation expenses," "mental health treatment" and "home security improvements."

A total of $30,614.15was used to pay forambulance transportation upon her return,therapy and new window blinds for her home, per the filing.

From June 5, 2017, until March 8, 2021, she paid for whatprosecutors characterized in court documentsas"fraudulent treatment for anxiety and PTSD from her 'kidnapping.'"

Rich Pedroncelli/AP/Shutterstock

In a statement issued March 4, 2022, herfamily said they were "appalled" by how Sherri had been treated by authorities in front of her children.

"If requested, Sherri would have fully complied and come to the police station, as she has done multiple times before, where this could have been handled in a more appropriate way," the statement said, per theLA Times. "Sherri and Keith have cooperated with law enforcement's requests despite repeated attempts to unnecessarily pit them against each other, empty threats to publicly embarrass them and other conduct that was less than professional. We are confused by several aspects of the charges and hope to get clarification in the coming days."

Initially deemed a flight risk, Sherri spentfive nights in Sacramento County Jail, but a judge allowed her to bereleased on a $120,000 bond March 8.

Rich Pedroncelli/AP/Shutterstock

When did Sherri Papini admit she lied?

Facing a possible 25-year prison sentence if convicted on all charges, Sherri agreed to plead guilty to one count ofmaking false statements to a federal officer and one count of mail fraud, appearing in court April 18, 2022, to officially enter her plea.

"I am deeply ashamed of myself for my behavior and so sorry for the pain I've caused all my family, my friends, all the good people who needlessly suffered because of my story and those who worked so hard to try to help me," she saidin a statementreleased by herattorneyWilliam Portanova's office. "I will work the rest of my life to make amends for what I have done."

The plea agreement mandated thatSherri pay more than $300,000 in restitution to various government entities, and prosecutors said they wouldrecommend she be sentenced to the "low end of the applicable guideline range as determined by the Court."

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Keith subsequentlyfiled for divorce after 12 years of marriage andrequested sole custody of Tyler and Violet.

"Now that I have learned the truth as reflected in the plea arrangement" Sherri made, Keith stated in a declarationfiled in Shasta County Superior Courtand posted by theSacramento Bee, "I must act decisively to protect my children from the trauma caused by their mother and bring stability and calm to their lives."

He alleged that Sherri hadn't seen the kids since April 4, 2022, and had missedascheduled visit. In the filing he asked for future visitation to be "determined by what I believe is in their best interest."

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Describing how difficultSherri's disappearance was on its own, compounded by the "turmoil" of the last five-and-a-half years, he added, "We, both children and I, need time to recover and stabilize."

Keith concluded, "I wish to make it clear that my goal is to provide a loving, safe, stable environment for Tyler and Violet and I believe the requested orders are consistent with that goal and the best interests of the children." Hedidn't want to say anything about Sherri's case that "would inflame the situation or attract media attention."

Ultimately, he stated, "I am asking that the court help me protect my children from the negative impact of their mother's notoriety."

Looking back in the Hulu series, Keith recalled being "so ashamed" in the aftermath of Sherri's story unraveling.

"I was embarrassed knowing that she manipulated everybody, and that I felt responsible," he said. "I was so adamant that she could never leave her kids."

He said heputit together that Sherri seemed to haveborrowed parts ofkidnapping survivor Elizabeth Smart's storyand aspects oftheunsolved 1998 disappearance of Redding teenTera Smith,as well as pieces of Gone Girland other similarly themed books, to fake her own abduction.

Hector Amezcua/TNS via ZUMA Press Wire

DidSherri Papini go to prison?

On Sept. 19, 2022,Sherri was sentenced to 18 months in prison, to be followed by 36 months of supervised release.

She ended up serving 11 months at the medium-securityFederal Correctional Institution Victorville before being released in August 2023 into community confinement overseen by Sacramento's residential reentry management field office.

Sherri stayed at a halfway house in Sacramento until Sept. 29, 2023, according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons' inmate locator.

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Was there a Lifetime movie about Sherri Papini?

While Sherri was incarcerated, Lifetime got on the case in July 2023 withHoax: The Kidnapping of Sherri Papini,starring Jaime King.

The actress told E! News' Francesca Amikerat the time that, when she first read about the case, she sensed therewere some untapped layers in thisstory.

"Frankly, it made me mad," King said. "You could see this woman that's seemingly beautiful and perfect, and the way that they told her story was basically that she's this terrible human being that did this horrific thing to her family and the community. And she did make some horrific choices, absolutely."


But, King continued, no one seemed interested in getting to the root of Sherri's behavior, which frustrated her to no end.

And then, less than 24 hours after shestarted researchingthe case on her own, King was offered thechance to play Sherri. After which, she had 24 hours to say yes or no.

Ultimately she said yes and appreciated the opportunity to humanize someone who'd been relentlessly villainized.

"Everybody has a reason for doing something," King said. "Nobody is a perfect individual, and I just really needed to know more of the whys. I don't like people being exploited."

Where is Sherri Papini now?

Now 42, Sherri is living in Northern California and remains on supervised release until 2026.

Hulu'sThe Perfect Wifenoted that the production "made several attemptsto contact" her but never got a response.

The U.S. Attorney's office filed a writ of garnishment in March stating that she still owed$340,221.23 (restitution plus a 10 percent litigation surcharge), a sum her lawyer said she plans to pay.

"Sherri Papini appreciates the significance of her financial obligations to the Court and to the Government and will continue to meet said obligations as she has promised,"attorney William Portanova told Peoplein a statement. "Nothing has changed."

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Keith has custody of now-11-year-old Tyler and 9-year-old Violet, and Sherri is allowed one-hour visits supervisedby a judge-appointed agency, according to court documents reported on by the Redding Record Searchlight.

Sherri told her daughter in January, according to notes filed by the professional monitor, per theRecord Searchlight, that she was writing books and "making abusiness that will be a foundation to help people."

"Mommy is an author now," she said, per the notes. "She's writing two books. I work lots of hours to write chapter books. So, when I tell you I'm working remotely, that means I'm at home writing chapters on my laptop."

Where is Keith Papini now?

Keith has said in interviews and the Hulu series thathecan't have anything to do with Sherri.

Disney/Ben Hider

"I don't make contact with her at all," he toldPeoplein 2024."And I don't even allow it. She's tried but I just can't. That is her power, her voice, and her manipulation."

Tyler and Violet talk to Sherri on the phone, he said, and he abides by the court-allowed visitation rights.

"They're very happy kids," Keith said. "A lot of theirchildhood years were, in my opinion, stolen from them. So my biggest goal is giving them a happy and healthy life and surrounding them with loving people."

InPerfect Wife, he reminisced about asking his son, as if they were playing a game, what he would want his last name to be if he could pick a new one.

And Tyler "just kinda is like, 'Is this about mom orsomething'" Keith recalled. '"I like our last name. I don't think we should have to change our last name because of what she did.'"

(Originally published April 23, 2022, at 5 a.m. PT)

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How Sherri Papini's Kidnapping Hoax Unraveled and What Happened Next - E! Online (2024)


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