Bernedoodle: Guide to Owning a Bernese Mountain Poodle Mix - K9 Web (2024)

Last Updated on April 25, 2023

Designer dogs such as Pitskies and Morkies are on the rise, but there’s a new crossbreed that is pawing its way up to popularity in the canine world.

Let us tell you about a dog that’s as smart as it’s adorable, the Bernedoodle. Read on to learn about some interesting facts about this hybrid, along with its origin, appearance, and temperament.

Quick Navigation

  • 1 TheBernedoodle at a Glance
  • 2 A brief history of the Bernedoodle
  • 3 What does a Bernedoodle look like?
  • 4 A playful, friendly dog for the family
  • 5 The exercise your Bernedoodle needs
  • 6 How to train a Bernedoodle
  • 7 Bernedoodle care 101
  • 8 Where can I find a Bernedoodle?
  • 9 Why choose Bernedoodles?

TheBernedoodle at a Glance

We’ve put together a table below to give you a quick overview of the Bernedoodle.

Breed SummaryBernedoodleQuick Facts
Breed PurposeCompanion Dog
Breed SizeMedium to Large
Height23 to 29 inches (58 to 74 cm)
Weight70 to 90 pounds (32 to 41 kg)
Coat TypeUsually wavy or curly (less shedding)
than straight (more shedding)
SheddingUsually minimal shedding
Most Popular Coat ColorsMultiple colors with patches of
black, white, and brown
Lifespan12 to 15 years
TemperamentAffectionate, Playful, Goofy, Intelligent
Exercise Needs30 to 60 minutes
Average Price$2,000 to $2,500

A brief history of the Bernedoodle

Since this is a relatively new breed, information about Bernedoodles is limited. But understanding its background and which breeds it came from will help us get to know this dog much better.

Sherry Rupke from Swissridge Kennels claims to be the first breeder to start crossing Poodles and Bernese Mountain Dogs.

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Rupke first tried crossing the purebreds in2003, wanting to produce a dog with the sweet personality of the Bernese Mountain Dog and the intelligence and low-shedding coat of the Poodle.

Also known as the Bernese Mountain Poo, Bernesepoo, Bernesedoodle, or Bernepoo, the Bernedoodle got much more from its parents than these traits. Let’s meet each parent breed to find out what else these Doodles could inherit.

The Bernese Mountain Dog

Just like how people love the characteristics that Golden Retrievers bring to mixed breeds, the same goes for the Bernese Mountain Dogs or Berners (Berner Sennenhund in German).

These gentle giants often share their goofy, fun-loving personality with their offspring.

Purposefully bred as farm dogs in the Swiss Alps, Berners are built for hard work, which explains how robust and powerful they are. They can grow to 28 inches (71 cm) tall and weigh as much as 115 pounds (52 kg)!

Aside from excelling in tracking, herding, and agility, the Bernese Mountain Dog is entirely dedicated to its family and extremely loyal.

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With a life expectancy of 7 years, the Berner is a relatively short-lived breed. But throughout its lifespan, this dog will do anything to please his humans and soak up all possible love and attention.

The Poodle

Everyone knows that Poodles rank high on the canine intelligence scale and that they have a low to non-shedding coat. These are the main reasons why they’re a popular choice for crossbreeding.

There’s more to the Poodle than that, though. Behind its classy appearance is a hardy, fearless dog that originated as a water retriever.

Poodles are also playful and fun-loving, so much so that they enjoy outdoor adventures! They thrive in an active household where they can get plenty of attention and mental and physical stimulation.

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Another reason why breeders love crossing these smart dogs with other breeds is that Poodles come in 3 sizes.

The Standard Poodle is typically over 15 inches (38 cm) in height and can weigh as much as 55 pounds (25 kgs), while the Miniature version can be between 10 to 15 inches (25 to 38 cm) and 12 to 15 pounds (5 to 7 kgs).

The smallest Poodle variety, the Toy Poodle, is under 10 inches (25 cm) in height and weighs only 5 to 10 pounds (2 to 4 kgs).

Do kennel clubs officially recognize this dog?

Since the Bernese Mountain Poo is a crossbreed, it isn’t recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC), unlike its purebred parents.

However, the following registries recognize the Berner-Poodle Mix:

  • The Designer Dogs Kennel Club
  • The International Designer Canine Registry
  • The Designer Breed Registry
  • American Canine Hybrid Club

What does a Bernedoodle look like?

If you’re interested in getting a hybrid dog, keep in mind that no two crossbreeds are going to look the same. The same goes for their temperament.

One question we can answer, though, is “How big are Bernedoodles?”

The Poodle comes in 3 different sizes, and so does the Bernesepoo. These hybrids can be Toy, Miniature, and Standard sized.

Arguably the cutest of the varieties, the Tiny or Toy version stands at 10 to 17 inches tall (25 to 43 cm) and weighs around 10 to 24 pounds (5 to 11 kgs).

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The Miniature Bernedoodle is around 18 to 22 inches in height (46 to 56 kgs) and weighs 25 to 49 pounds (11 to 22 kgs), while the Standard size stands at 23 to 29 inches (58 to 74 cm) and can weigh anywhere from 70 to 90 pounds (32 to 41 kg).

How about their coat and color? Well, that’s the reason why these dogs are often referred to as teddy bears.

Most Bernepoos have a wavy or curly coat that often come in multiple colors, with patches of black, white, and brown.

Bernedoodles who take after the Bernese Mountain Dog tend to have coats of straight, fine hair.

A playful, friendly dog for the family

Well-bred Bernesedoodles get many of the best personality traits from the Poodle and the Bernese Mountain Dog.

These hybrids are affectionate and playful, which makes them an excellent pet for families and good playmates for children. They love to spend time with everyone in the family.

However, it’s crucial to take into consideration the size of the Bernese Mountain Dog-Poodle mix that you want to get.

If you want to get a Toy or Mini Bernedoodle, you have to make sure that your kids know how to be gentle in handling smaller dogs, as they can be injured easily.

The Standard Bernedoodle, on the other hand, can accidentally knock down a kid during playtime. You’ll have to supervise when your children and dog play together.

Check out this video to see how small these pups can be:

Another great thing about these crossbreeds is that they also get along well with other dogs.

Don’t be surprised if you notice that your Bernedoodle puppy’s a little stubborn when you bring him home. He probably inherited it from the Bernese Mountain Dog, and this trait usually fades with age.

The exercise your Bernedoodle needs

Bernepoos have moderate energy levels.

If you’re looking for a canine to be your companion on walks and hikes, the Bernedoodle can keep up!

Like the Poodle, they love being active and fit well in busy households. They’re always up for fun activities like fetch and treasure hunts.

We recommend Bernesedoodles, especially the Standard size, for homes with fenced backyards because they need the space to run and explore.

Tiny and Miniature variations of this crossbreed can be happy living in an apartment, as long as they get some playtime daily.

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Whatever this hybrid’s size, regular exercise gives them the physical and mental stimulation they need to avoid destructive tendencies.

Be careful not to over-exercise them while they’re still puppies. To avoid overexertion and injury, wait until your dog is two years old before doing any rigorous activities with them.

After having a tiring day that they surely enjoyed, the Bernese Mountain Poo would love to cuddle up or even stay beside as you’re enjoying some relaxing time indoors.

How to train a Bernedoodle

Since one of its parents is the Poodle, you would think that the Bernedoodle would be easy to train. Well, it’s not always the case.

Don’t forget that the other parent is a Bernese Mountain Dog, which is renowned for its hardheadedness. But you shouldn’t let that discourage you, as the stubbornness of the Bernepoo’s only lasts through its puppy stage.

Patience in training these pups will go a long way, and, as long as you keep going, you won’t end up with skittish Bernese Mountain Poo.

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Take things step-by-step. Start with socialization, teaching your puppy to walk with a leash, and potty training. Use plenty of positive reinforcement, in the form of praise and treats.

Once your Bernedoodle has mastered that, he can move up to more complex activities. You can teach him to do fun tricks or train him for agility. Agility training is an excellent way to burn through this crossbreed’s energy levels.

Quick training tips for first-time owners

It’s essential that training starts while your Bernesepoo is still a puppy. Set the right path for your dog while he’s still a cute little pooch that is curious and eager to learn.

You may also want to crate-train your dog as soon as possible. Crate training will help reduce the separation anxiety that the Bernedoodle is prone to.

Teach him that the crate will be his safe space whenever you have to leave the house. Your Bernepoo will eventually learn to feel more calm and relaxed even when you’re not at home.

Bernedoodle care 101

The Bernese Mountain Dog-Poodle mix may need a little more attention compared to other crossbreeds, especially with its thick coat and potential health problems.

Here’s what you need to know about this hybrid’s grooming needs, diet, and overall health.

How to groom a Bernedoodle

Did you know that the Bernepoo doesn’t have fur? Instead, it has hair. Hair tends to be smoother to the touch and has a finer texture compared to fur.

Whether its hair is straight or curly, brush your Bernese Mountain Poo’s hair 2 to 3 times a week. The frequent brushing will help rid the coat of dead hair, which can get trapped in your dog’s curls.

Other owners brush their dog’s hair daily, taking grooming as an opportunity to bond with their pets. Your Bernesedoodle will undoubtedly love the extra attention.

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Once your dog is around 7 to 9 months old, you can take him to a professional groomer every 8 to 12 weeks to get its coat clipped.

(If you’re taking your Bernese-Poodle cross to a groomer, be specific on how you want your dog’s coat to be cut. Most groomers default to a Poodle clip unless instructed differently.)

Don’t bathe your Bernese Mountain Dog-Poodle mix too often because you don’t want to strip natural oils from its coat. You can wash your dog every month or so or when needed.

Are Bernedoodles hypoallergenic?

The truth is that no dog is truly hypoallergenic. However, the fact that the Bernepoo has hair instead of fur means that your dog is less likely to trigger allergies.

Bernedoodles with curly hair will appear to shed less because the hair they shed gets trapped in their curls rather than floating out into the environment. That means less dander in the air and fewer allergens in the environment overall.

Taking care of your dog’s eyes and ears

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Even with a tangle-free, fresh-smelling coat, your dog isn’t well-groomed if you forget to pay attention to his face.

Let’s start with the Bernesedoodle’s sparkly eyes, which can overproduce tears and result instains in the dog’s fur.

Use some water and a washcloth togently wipe away any gunk from the fur around your fur baby’s eyes.

While carefully cleaning the eye area, check your dog’s eyes for redness or swelling, or even unusual discharge. Never use soap or shampoo because these can cause discomfort or damage your dog’s eyes.

If your Bernese Mountain Dog-Poodle mix has long hair, clip or tie their hair away from their face to prevent eye irritation.

Aside from their eyes, these dogs’ ears need some special attention, too. Hair in the Bernedoodle’s ears, plus their dropped position, hinders proper air circulation and encourages the accumulation of dirt and moisture.

This makes the Bernesepoo susceptible to ear infections, more so compared to dogs with prick or erect ears.

Check your dog’s ears weekly and clean them with a cotton ball and hydrogen peroxide. Don’t forget to remove excess liquid from the cotton ball before using it on your dog’s ears

Watch out for waxy buildup, foul odor, and redness and irritated skin around your dog’s ears. If he often scratches his ear or shakes his head, take him to the vet for a checkup.

What to feed your Bernedoodle

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The right diet for the Bernese Mountain Dog Poodle mix will be highly individualized.

For Bernedoodle puppies, they should be fed high-quality puppy kibble specially formulated for their size and nutritional needs.

Make sure that the dog food you choose meets the Bernese-Poodle cross’ daily nutritional requirements.

Protein helps regulate the function of the dog’s tissues and organs, while fats are vital for their energy.

In terms of the amount of food they should eat, you would have to base it on their size, age, and activity levels.

Generally, a Bernesedoodle would need 1,500 calories (around 3 cups of kibble) daily.

As per their size, the daily food consumption or calorie requirements are:

  • Standard Bernedoodle – 1,400 to 1,800 calories
  • Miniature Bernedoodle – 750 to 1,400 calories
  • Tiny Bernedoodle – 400 to 960 calories

Pups should be eating a minimum of 4 times per day, but you can reduce that to 2 meals a day once your Bernedoodle is full-grown.

Reduce the risk of bloat by giving your Bernepoosmall but frequent meals. And if you decide that you want to feed your dog anything other than kibble, consult your veterinary nutrition specialist first.

The food intake of Standard Bernese Mountain Poos should be monitored more strictly because they can be voracious eaters. Keeping an eye on their diet, plus a daily exercise routine will help keep these dogs at a healthy weight.

What health problems can the Bernedoodle have?

Mixed breeds are generally healthy because of hybrid vigor. But we have to take into consideration that they may inherit health issues that their canine parents suffer from.

Bernese Mountain Dogs can be afflicted with hip and elbow dysplasia, heart disease, or epilepsy. This breed is also one of the dogs that are at the highest risk of getting cancer.

Despite its energetic gait, the Poodle may get serious health issues, which include eye, skin, and digestive conditions as well as diseases that target their immune system.

Because of their parents’ health problems, Bernedoodles are predisposed to hip dysplasia, eye problems, and skin issues.

You can minimize the likelihood of your dog getting skin allergies by grooming them regularly and giving them the right diet. Try giving him a grain-free diet, as grains are common food allergy triggers.

If you’re looking to get a Bernedoodle puppy from a breeder, ask about testing for the following conditions, too:

  • Von Willebrand’s Disease
  • Sebaceous adenitis
  • Degenerative myelopathy
  • Patellar luxation
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy
  • MTC (Macrothrombocytopenia)

Early health screening will

If they’re well taken care of, the average lifespan of a Bernedoodle is between 12 to 15 years.

These dogs’ life expectancy is affected by their size, too. Tiny and Mini Bernedoodles tend to live longer while the Standard-sized Bernedoodle has a shorter life expectancy.

Where can I find a Bernedoodle?

You’ve reached this part, so I assume that you’ve decided that a Bernesedoodle is the right furry baby for your family. Would you prefer to buy a puppy from a breeder or to adopt an older Bernese Mountain Dog-Poodle mix?

Going with a breeder is more expensive, with a Bernedoodle puppy costing anywhere from $2,000 to $2,500 each.

The price depends on the Bernepoo’s size and overall appearance; some breeders, for instance, charge more for specific coat colors.

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Find the right Bernedoodle breeders

The best breeders out there are those who select the puppy for the owner and not the other way around as there’s a lot of consideration to take into account.

For example, if a prospective owner has allergies, the breeder will recommend a Bernese Mountain Poo puppy with a curly coat that will release less hair into the environment.

Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world, and reputable Bernedoodle breeders can be challenging to find.

Here are some things to consider when choosing a breeder:

  • The right breeder has had his pups health-tested and can share the health certificates with you.
  • He allows you to meet the parents of the litter or the puppy itself before your purchase.
  • He will provide references from previous clients, other breeders or owners, and veterinarians.
  • He is willing to keep in touch even after you bring home your puppy.
  • He has puppies that have been vaccinated, microchipped, and dewormed before going home with their owners.
  • He asks you about what you’re looking for in a dog, your lifestyle, your family, and the environment the puppy will grow up in.

Here are some breeders that we recommend for you to check out if you’re ready to buy a Bernedoodle puppy:

  • Kimberlee’s Kennels (Iowa)
  • HC Bernedoodles (Missouri)
  • Alpine Bernedoodles (Colorado)

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Adoption or rescues for Bernedoodles

Many love stories between people and their pets start with adoption. It’s not impossible to find a Bernepoo in shelters or rescue groups.

These hybrids can also appear or be available in breed-specific shelters for Poodles and Bernese Mountain Dog.

You can check with the following groups to see if they have Bernesedoodles available for adoption:

  • Swissridge Kennels (Ontario, CA)
  • Midwest Bernedoodles (Illinois)
  • Doodle Rock Rescue (Dallas, Texas)

Why choose Bernedoodles?

Whether you choose a Toy, a Mini, or a Standard version of the Bernese Mountain Dog-Poodle mix, there is no doubt that he or she will be a perfect addition to any family or home.

Due to their low-shedding coats, even people with allergies have the chance to own and cuddle with these living teddy bears!

Bernepoos are bundles of curls that are full of love to give.

They crave attention and affection, and they’re ideal for owners who won’t mind a dog following them around all day.

These dogs have a moderate need for exercise, so they won’t need a highly active owner.

Let us know what you think of Bernedoodles! Type in opinions, or even tips for new owners, in the comment box below.

Cess Gamas( Head of Content Marketing and Editor )

Cess is the Head of Content Writing at K9 Web and a passionate dog care expert with over 5 years of experience in the Pet Industry. With a background in animal science, dog training, and behavior consulting, her hands-on experience and extensive knowledge make her a trusted source for dog owners.

When not writing or leading the K9 Web content team, Cess can be found volunteering at local shelters and participating in dog-related events.

Bernedoodle: Guide to Owning a Bernese Mountain Poodle Mix - K9 Web (2024)


What is the temperament of a Bernese Mountain Dog poodle mix? ›

Bernedoodles are very gentle and playful with children, and even make great therapy dogs for kids. Early socialization during their puppy years will ensure that Bernedoodles stay calm around children, strangers and other dogs.

Can you breed a Bernedoodle with a Bernese Mountain Dog? ›

The F1 Standard Bernedoodle can be bred with a Bernese Mountain Dog sire and a Standard Poodle Dam or, Vice Versa, a Standard Poodle Sire and a Bernese Mountain Dog dam. The F1 Mini Bernedoodle can only be done by breeding a Bernese Mountain Dog dam and a Toy or Miniature Poodle sire.

Are F1 or F2 Bernedoodles better? ›

The most popular type of Bernedoodle is the F1 Bernedoodle. An F1 Bernedoodle is the first-generation breeding of a purebred poodle and a purebred Bernese mountain dog. F1 Bernedoodles tend to be the healthiest Bernedoodles, with an easy-to-predict adult size: generally an average of the two parents.

At what age do Bernedoodles calm down? ›

Generally, most Goldendoodles and Bernedoodles will start to calm down and become less energetic by the time they are around 1 to 2 years old. As puppies, Goldendoodles and Bernedoodles can be very energetic and require a lot of exercise and mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy.

Are Bernedoodles cuddly dogs? ›

Bernedoodles are highly affectionate and love being around their human families, especially kids. They love attention and crave regular cuddle sessions. ​ Believe it or not, many of these cuties are trained to become therapy dogs! This affectionate breed makes excellent therapy dogs, and for a good reason.

What is the lifespan of a Bernese mountain dog poodle mix? ›

Bernedoodle Health Issues. The Bernedoodle lifespan ranges 12–18 years, depending on how big your dog is. As a general rule, smaller dogs live longer than larger dogs. These dogs can inherit conditions from both of their parent breeds, but Miniatures might have different health issues arise than Standards.

What is the most desirable Bernedoodle? ›

Tri-Color Bernedoodle – has the classic color and pattern of the Bernese Mountain Dog. It is the most desirable look for a Bernedoodle but also the hardest to produce. Sable-Color Bernedoodle – appear to have two-toned coats.

Do Bernedoodles attach to one person? ›

"Friendly" would be the all-around best word to describe a Bernedoodle. They love everyone, and this is not a breed that tends to be aloof or only bonds with one person and is indifferent to others. They shower everyone they meet with affectionate, sloppy kisses, and they expect lots of belly rubs in return.

Do F2b Bernedoodles shed? ›

Do f2 Bernedoodles shed? Yes and no. F2 Bernedoodle coats can be unpredictable due to the Bernese being IC (improper coat) affected. This means that they can produce puppies that do not shed at all, but they can also produce puppies that will be low or high shedders.

What is the most wanted Bernedoodle? ›

However, the tri-color Bernedoodle is often considered the most wanted due to its striking appearance.

Which is calmer goldendoodle or Bernedoodle? ›

A Bernedoodle is a slightly calmer dog with a unique wavy or curly coat pattern inherited from its Bernese heritage. Because Goldendoodles are more energetic and sunny than Golden Retrievers, they need moderate exercise. Both dog breeds require frequent grooming to prevent matting and health issues.

What is a teddy bear Bernedoodle? ›

F2b Bernedoodles: An f2b Bernedoodle (also known as the Teddy Bear Bernedoodle) is a cross between an f1 Bernedoodle and an f1b Bernedoodle. They have just a bit more of the Poodle than the Bernese and are also a great choice for families with mild to moderate allergies.

Are Bernedoodles easy to potty train? ›

Even though Bernedoodle is an easily trained breed, it still needs the proper guidance from its pet parent. Being able to potty train your dog at an early age, the sooner you can have an amicable relationship with each other. Think of it as not having to clean after a roommate all day.

Are male or female Bernedoodles calmer? ›

A female dog can be a better option if you want one that is less intimidating and more manageable. In addition, female Bernedoodles are typically more laid-back and less energetic than their male counterparts, which may make them a better choice for owners who want a mellow dog.

Do Bernedoodles sleep a lot? ›

All puppies should sleep every 2-3 hours throughout the day to avoid crankiness and poor behavior such as biting. By making calm chewing and resting periods part of your daily schedule, you are on the right track for a lot of sleep in your Bernedoodle puppy!

What is the personality of a Bernedoodle dog? ›

They were bred solely for companionship, so they love attention and lots of cuddles from their families. Bernedoodles are just as happy curling up on the couch as they are hiking a trail alongside their humans. They're playful and active dogs who are highly trainable with positive reinforcement methods.

Is a Bernedoodle a calm dog? ›

People who breed Bernedoodles say that you get the best of both worlds: a calm, loyal, intelligent, trainable dog with a non-shedding coat. In reality, a Bernedoodle's temperamental and physical traits are highly variable. Some Bernedoodles are outgoing and some are reserved with strangers.

Are Bernedoodles difficult? ›

Bernedoodles have friendly dispositions and make great family dogs, however, they can be standoffish to new people as they get older. So it's essential to have early socialization with new people, children and other pets, and continue it as they grow.

Are Bernedoodles and Goldendoodles calmer? ›

Bernedoodles may inherit some of the Bernese Mountain Dog's calm, sweet, and laid-back nature, while Goldendoodles may inherit the Golden Retriever's outgoing and playful personality. Both Bernedoodles & Goldendoodles are intelligent and goofy and love to entertain young children for hours.


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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.