p-values and R-square Values for Models (2024)

When developing more complex models, it is often desirableto report a p-value for the model as a whole as well as an R-squarefor the model.

p-values formodels

The p-value for a model determines the significanceof the model compared with a null model. For a linear model, the null model isdefined as the dependent variable being equal to its mean. So, the p-valuefor the model is answering the question, Does this model explain the valuesof the dependent variable significantly better than would just looking at theaverage value of the dependent variable?

R-squared andpseudo R-squared

The R-squared value is a measure of how well themodel explains the data. It is an example of a goodness-of-fitstatistic.

R-squared for linear (ordinary least squares) models

In R, models fit with the lm function are linearmodels fit with ordinary least squares (OLS). For these models, R-squaredindicates the proportion of the variability in the dependent variable that isexplained by model. That is, an R-squared of 0.60 indicates that 60% ofthe variability in the dependent variable is explained by the model.

Pseudo R-squared

For many types of models, R-squared is not defined.These include relatively common models like logistic regression and the cumulativelink models used in this book. For these models, pseudo R-squaredmeasures can be calculated. A pseudo R-squared is not directly comparableto the R-squared for OLS models. Nor can it be interpreted as theproportion of the variability in the dependent variable that is explained bymodel. Instead, pseudo R-squared measures are relative measures amongsimilar models indicating how well the model explains the data.

A few common pseudo R-squared measures include:McFadden, Cox and Snell (also referred to as ML), Nagelkerke (also referred toas Cragg and Uhler), Efron, and count.

Some pseudo R-squared measures work better with sometypes of models. It takes some experience or research to determine which maywork best in a given situation. McFadden, Cox and Snell, and Nagelkerke arebased on the likelihood estimates of the model. Nagelkerke is the same as theCox and Snell, except that the value is adjusted upward so that the Nagelkerkehas a maximum value of 1. Efron’s pseudo R-squared has the advantage ofbeing based solely on the actual values of the dependent variable and thosevalues predicted by the model. This makes it relatively easy to understand. Thecount pseudo R-squared is used in cases of a binary predicted value, andsimply compares the number of correct responses to the total number ofresponses.

p-values and R-squared values.

p-values and R-squared values measuredifferent things. The p-value indicates if there is a significantrelationship described by the model. Essentially, if there is enough evidencethat the model explains the data better than would a null model. The R-squaredmeasures the degree to which the data is explained by the model. It istherefore possible to get a significant p-value with a low R-squaredvalue. This often happens when there are enough data points to supplysufficient evidence that the model is better than the null model (significant p-value),but variability in the dependent variable isn’t explained too well by the model(low R-squared).

Packages used in this chapter

The packages used in this chapter include:

• psych

• lmtest

• boot

• rcompanion

The following commands will install these packages if theyare not already installed:


Example of model p-value, R-squared,and pseudo R-squared

The following example uses some hypothetical data of asample of people for which typing speed (Words.per.minute) and age weremeasured. After plotting the data, we decide to construct a polynomial modelwith Words.per.minute as the dependent variable and Age and Age2as the independent variables. Notice in this example that all variables aretreated as interval/ratio variables, and that the independent variables are alsocontinuous variables.

The data will first be fit with a linear model with the lmfunction. Passing this model to the summary function will display the p-valuefor the model and the R-squared value for the model.

The same data will then be fit with a generalized linearmodel with the glm function. This type of model allows morelatitude in the types of data that can be fit, but in this example, we’ll usethe family=gaussian option, which will mimic the model fit with the lmfunction, though the underlying math is different.

Importantly, the summary of the glm functiondoes not produce a p-value for the model nor an R-squared for themodel.

For the model fit with glm, the p-value can bedetermined with the anova function comparing the fitted model to a nullmodel. The null model is fit with only an intercept term on the right side ofthe model. As an alternative, the nagelkerke function described belowalso reports a p-value for the model, using the likelihood ratio test.

There is no R-squared defined for a glmmodel. Instead, a pseudo R-squared can be calculated. The function nagelkerkeproduces pseudo R-squared values for a variety of models. It reportsthree types: McFadden, Cox and Snell, and Nagelkerke. The efronRSquaredfunction reports Efron’s pseudo R-squared for a variety of models.

Note that these models make certain assumptions about thedistribution of the underlying population data, but for simplicity, thisexample will ignore the need to determine if these assumptions are met.

Data = read.table(header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=TRUE, text="

Age Words.per.minute
12 23
12 32
12 25
13 27
13 30
15 29
15 33
16 37
18 29
22 33
23 37
24 33
25 43
27 35
33 30
42 25
53 22

### Check the data frame





Plot the data

plot(Words.per.minute ~ Age,
data = Data,
xlab = "Age",
ylab = "Words per minute")

p-values and R-square Values for Models (1)

Prepare data

### Create new variable for the square of Age

Data$Age2 = Data$Age ^ 2

### Double check data frame



Age Words.per.minute Age2
1 12 23 144
2 12 32 144
3 12 25 144
4 13 27 169
... ... ... ...
14 27 35 729
15 33 30 1089
16 42 25 1764
17 53 22 2809

Linear model

model = lm (Words.per.minute ~ Age + Age2,

summary(model) ### Shows coefficients,
### p-value for model, andR-squared

Multiple R-squared: 0.5009, Adjusted R-squared: 0.4296
F-statistic: 7.026 on 2 and 14 DF, p-value: 0.00771

### p-value and (multiple) R-squared value

Simple plot of data and model

For bivariate data, the function plotPredy will plotthe data and the predicted line for the model. It also works for polynomialfunctions, if the order option is changed.


plotPredy(data = Data,
y = Words.per.minute,
x = Age,
x2 = Age2,
model = model,
order = 2,
xlab = "Words per minute",
ylab = "Age")

p-values and R-square Values for Models (2)

Generalized linear model

model = glm (Words.per.minute ~ Age + Age2,
data = Data,
family = gaussian)

summary(model) ### Shows coefficients

Calculate p-value for model

In R, the most common way to calculate the p-valuefor a fitted model is to compare the fitted model to a null model with the anovafunction. The null model is usually formulated with just a constant on theright side.

null = glm (Words.per.minute ~ 1, ### Createnull model
data = Data, ### withonly a constant on the right side
family = gaussian)

test="Chisq") ###Tests options "Rao", "LRT",
### "Chisq", "F","Cp"
### But some work with only some modeltypes

Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance Pr(>Chi)
1 14 243.07
2 16 487.06 -2 -243.99 0.0008882 ***

Calculate pseudo R-squared and p-value for model

An alternative test for the p-value for a fittedmodel, the nagelkerke function will report the p-value for amodel using the likelihood ratio test.

The nagelkerke function also reports the McFadden,Cox and Snell, and Nagelkerke pseudo R-squared values for the model.




McFadden 0.112227
Cox and Snell (ML) 0.500939
Nagelkerke (Cragg and Uhler) 0.501964


Df.diff LogLik.diff Chisq p.value
-2 -5.9077 11.815 0.0027184

We can obtain Efron’s pseudo R-squared from the efronRsquaredfunction or the accuracy function.

The accuracy function also outputs several othermeasures of accuracy and error.




Min.max.accuracy MAE MedAE MAPE MSE RMSE NRMSE.mean NRMSE.medianEfron.r.squared CV.prcnt
1 0.902 3.19 2.92 0.106 14.3 3.78 0.123 0.1260.501 12.3

Likelihood ratio test for p-value for model

The p-value for a model by the likelihood ratio testcan also be determined with the lrtest function in the lmtestpackage.



#Df LogLik Df Chisq Pr(>Chisq)
1 4 -46.733
2 2 -52.641 -2 11.815 0.002718 **

Simple plot of data and model


plotPredy(data = Data,
y = Words.per.minute,
x = Age,
x2 = Age2,
model = model,
order = 2,
xlab = "Words per minute",
ylab = "Age",
col = "red") ###line color

p-values and R-square Values for Models (3)

Optional analyses: Confidence intervals for R-squaredvalues

It is relatively easy to produce confidence intervals for R-squaredvalues or other parameters from model fitting, such as coefficients forregression terms. This can be accomplished with bootstrapping. Here the boot.cifunction from the boot package is used.

The code below is a little complicated, but relativelyflexible.

Function can contain any function of interest, aslong as it includes an input vector or data frame (input in this case)and an indexing variable (index in this case). Stat is set toproduce the actual statistic of interest on which to perform the bootstrap (r.squaredfrom the summary of the lm in this case).

The code Function(Data, 1:n) is there simply to test Functionon the data frame Data. In this case, it will produce the output of Functionfor the first n rows of Data. Since n is defined as thelength of the first column in Data, this should return the value for Statfor the whole data frame, if Function is set up correctly.

Data = read.table(header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=TRUE, text="

Age Words.per.minute
12 23
12 32
12 25
13 27
13 30
15 29
15 33
16 37
18 29
22 33
23 37
24 33
25 43
27 35
33 30
42 25
53 22

Data$Age2 = Data$Age ^ 2

### Check the data frame





Confidence intervals for r-squared by bootstrap


Function = function(input, index){
Input = input[index,]
Result = lm (Words.per.minute ~ Age + Age2,
data = Input)
Stat = summary(Result)$r.squared

### Test Function

n = length(Data[,1])

Function(Data, 1:n)

[1] 0.5009385

### Produce Stat estimate by bootstrap

Boot = boot(Data,


[1] 0.5754582

### Produce confidence interval bybootstrap

### (Note that values will varies foreach run)

conf = 0.95,
type = "perc")

### Options: "norm", "basic", "stud","perc", "bca", "all"

Based on 1000 bootstrap replicates

Intervals :
Level Percentile
95% ( 0.3796, 0.7802 )
Calculations and Intervals on Original Scale

### Other information



Confidence intervals for Efron’s pseudo r-squaredby bootstrap

The efronRSquared function produces a single statistic.This makes it relatively easy to pass to the boot function.



Function = function(input, index){
Input = input[index,]

Result = lm(Words.per.minute ~ Age + Age2,
data = Input)
Stat = efronRSquared(Result)

### Test Function

n = length(Data[,1])

Function(Data, 1:n)

[1] 0.501

### Produce Stat estimate by bootstrap

Boot = boot(Data,


[1] 0.575913

### Produce confidence interval bybootstrap

conf = 0.95,
type = "perc")

### Options: "norm","basic", "stud", "perc", "bca","all"


Based on 1000 bootstrap replicates


boot.ci(boot.out = Boot, conf = 0.95, type = "perc")

Intervals :

Level Percentile

95% ( 0.3930, 0.7639 )

Calculations and Intervals on Original Scale

### Other information


col = "darkgray")

Confidence intervals for pseudo r-squared by bootstrap

The nagelkerke function produces a list. The seconditem in the list is a matrix named


The third element of this matrix is the value for theNagelkerke pseudo R-squared. So,

nagelkerke(Result, Null)[[2]][3]

yields the value of the Nagelkerke pseudo R-squared.



Function = function(input, index){
Input = input[index,]
Result = glm (Words.per.minute ~ Age + Age2,
data = Input,
Null = glm (Words.per.minute ~ 1,
data = Input,
Stat = nagelkerke(Result, Null)[[2]][3]

### Test Function

n = length(Data[,1])

Function(Data, 1:n)

[1] 0.501964

### Produce Stat estimate by bootstrap

Boot = boot(Data,

### In this case, even 1000 iterationscan take a while


[1] 0.5803598

### Produce confidence interval bybootstrap

conf = 0.95,
type = "perc")

### Options: "norm","basic", "stud", "perc", "bca","all"

Based on 1000 bootstrap replicates

Intervals :
Level Percentile
95% ( 0.3836, 0.7860 )
Calculations and Intervals on Original Scale

### Other information


col = "darkgray")


IDRE . 2011. FAQ: What are pseudo R-squareds? UCLA. stats.oarc.ucla.edu/other/mult-pkg/faq/general/faq-what-are-pseudo-r-squareds/.

Kabacoff, R.I. 2017. Bootstrapping. Quick-R. www.statmethods.net/advstats/bootstrapping.html.

p-values and R-square Values for Models (2024)


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